Tuesday, July 19, 2005

5 Women Die In The US From RU-486

July 19, 2005
Danco Laboratories announces 460,000 U.S. babies destroyed with RU-486
460,000 U.S. babies aborted with RU-486

Five mothers died in the process of aborting their children -- Danco Laboratories announced today that it is modifying the labeling for Mifeprex® to include updated safety information.Mifeprex® has been available in the U.S. for almost 5 years, and more than 460,000 women in this country have chosen it for early abortion since FDA approval in September 2000. During that time period, Danco has received reports of five deaths from serious bacterial infection and sepsis following treatment with Mifeprex. and misoprostol.“All of these cases had atypical presentations of infection, and in the first three cases, the bacteria were identified as a very rare anaerobic, gram-positive, spore forming species known as Clostridium sordellii,” said Richard Hausknecht, M.D., Medical Director, Danco Labs. One of these cases occurred during a clinical trial in Canada in 2001. The other four cases were reported from California – two in late 2003, one in early 2004, and a recent one in mid 2005. No causal relationship between these events and the use of Mifeprex. and misoprostol has been established.Childbirth, menstruation and abortion, whether spontaneous, surgical or medical, all create conditions that can result in serious and sometimes fatal infection, and there is no evidence that Mifeprex. and misoprostol present a special risk of infection1. Clostridium sordellii is a common soil and enteric bacterium that has presented in a very small number of obstetric and gynecologic cases, including following childbirth (vaginal delivery and caesarian section), medical abortion, and in other gynecologic and non-gynecologic conditions.2Women who are undergoing a medical abortion with the Mifeprex® and misoprostol regimen should contact their provider or an emergency room right away if they experience abdominal pain or discomfort or general malaise (including weakness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea), with or without fever, more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol.“Danco is committed to providing updated safety information about this early option for women. We will be sending a Dear Doctor Letter soon to all providers of Mifeprex®, as well as to all emergency room directors, to ensure that they are aware of this new information,” said Cynthia Summers, Dr.P.H., Director of Marketing and Public Affairs, Danco Labs. “Danco is working with the FDA to update the Mifeprex® labeling, Medication Guide and Patient Agreement with this information.”Danco Laboratories, LLC exclusively markets Mifeprex® (mifepristone) in the United States.

1Grimes, D. Risks of mifepristone abortion in context. Contraception, 2005; 71: 161.2e.g.
Bitti, A. et al. A fatal postpartum Clostridium sordellii associated toxic shock syndrome. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1997; 50:259-260.
McGregor, J.A. et al., Maternal deaths associated with Clostridium sordellii infection. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1989; 161(4): 987-995.
Rorbye, C. et al. Postpartum Clostridium sordellii infection associated with fatal toxic shock syndrome. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2000; 79(12): 1134-1135.

Monday, July 18, 2005

What About That Declining Birth Rate?


"The 'birth dearth' is what demographers call plummeting birth rates in most of the industrialized world. Throughout Western Europe and East Asia, the birth rate is well below 2.1 births per woman -- which is the minimum needed to maintain a stable population. ... Throughout history, societies in demographic decline, usually as a result of disease, have faced two unattractive options: a decline in their standard of living or the replacement of their native population with a more fertile immigrant one. Europe has, essentially by default, chosen the latter. But as last week's bombings in London illustrate, turning millions of Islamic immigrants into 'Europeans,' however you define the term, is a dubious proposition. ... It's hard to imagine a better example of the importance of worldviews, and specifically in this case, the Christian one. [Mark] Steyn is right when he says that Europe's decline is directly linked to its hostility towards Christianity." --Chuck Colson

Friday, July 15, 2005

On Homicidal Terrorists-We'd Better Wise Up

The nonsense written below is an example of why the press can cause us to lose the war on terror. Notice, these guys are just normal people! No one could have guessed their motives! Here is a test: Read through this editorial and see if you can pick up any clues that these guys might not have been wrapped too tight.

Also, please note again that we are not speaking here of "Terrorists, or Homicide Bombers", but just normal guys who decided to get up one day and strap on a bomb and kill a bunch of people....inexplicable. Well, maybe just to guys who write editorials for the Philadelphia Inquirer. I think political correctness is sapping our minds of wattage through osmosis or something up there. If this is the best he can do, Schofield should leave his editorializing to the subject of the virtues of the Philly Cheesesteak.

My comments will follow later....

In suspects' normality, a dire omen
Alleged bombers' ordinary lives suggest London-style attacks can't be stopped.

By Matthew Schofield
Inquirer Foreign Staff

LONDON - One loved cricket. Another was a young father. A third happily told his parents last week that he was off to London "with his mates." All three had a deep Islamic faith, but no one thought of them as radicals.

The emerging picture of London's suspected mass-transit bombers is of normal people leading normal lives, good people from good families - "Suicide Bombers From Suburbia" was the headline in London's Daily Mail.

As the uncle of one man noted yesterday, the first time it crossed his mind that his nephew could possibly have been involved in the bombings "was when the police showed up at my door."

A week after four bombs killed at least 52 people on subway trains and a bus during London's morning rush hour, Britons are stunned that the presumed killers were British, born and bred. Antiterrorism officials, who have always hoped that younger Muslims raised in Britain would reject radical teachings about Islamic holy war, worry about what the attacks mean about the future of security here.

"It's exactly what nobody wanted to hear in this case," said Paul Cornish, who heads the international security program for the British research center Chatham House. "These are normal people from normal lives who, as far as we know, woke up one morning and decided to blow up an underground train.

"That means not only that we didn't know about them, but that we couldn't have, at least before they acted. It means Londoners are going to have to get used to suicide bombings as a part of life."

Police were still piecing together details of what led to the worst attack on London since World War II, questioning a fifth person detained Tuesday, searching for another they believe was the bomb mastermind, and searching a house north of London believed connected to the bombing. The search was expected to "take some time to complete," police said.

Police described the alleged bombers as friends and said they suspect someone else planned and arranged the attack, possibly someone who would have had the expertise to make bombs out of military explosives and who likely left the country before the attacks.

Police said they believe the bombers drove from the city of Leeds in central England to Luton, outside London, where they parked a car that police later found still contained "potentially dangerous" substances. From Luton, they took a train to London's King's Cross station.

According to closed-circuit TV evidence, the bombers arrived at King's Cross shortly before 8:30 a.m. They were dressed like campers, each with a backpack, and were talking easily as they gathered, before splitting off in four directions. The nearly simultaneous explosions aboard the subway trains occurred at 8:50; the bus exploded at 9:47.

According to British press and police reports, Hasib Hussain, 19, is suspected of the bus bombing.

Hussain, who attended high school in Leeds, told his parents he was heading to London with "mates" for some time in the city. After the bombings, his brother tried to reach him on his cell phone. When he was unable to do so, Hussain's parents reported him missing to police, believing he may have been a victim in the attacks. The phone call helped police crack the case.

Police found Hussain's driver's license and credit cards in the wreckage of the No. 30 bus in Tavistock Square. More telling, the description his parents gave police of what he had been wearing matched the clothes found on a decapitated body whose injuries led police to suspect it might have been the bomber's.

At 8 p.m. Monday, investigators spotted Hussain and three others on a tape from a closed-circuit surveillance camera at King's Cross, taken 20 minutes before the bombs exploded.

Hussain's family described him as having "gone off the rails," or getting wild, two years ago. But as his parents - his father is a factory worker - tried to figure out how to discipline him, he found Islam. He was known to wear white robes, but a brother said Hussain had not been radical. The brother said he had not seen any harm in the change.

Shahzad Tanweer, 22, who lived in Beeston, outside Leeds, is suspected in the Aldgate Station subway bombing, where his credit cards and license were found. His father owned a local "chippie," a fish-and-chips place, where Tanweer worked part time.

Outside the chippie, he was a sports-science student at an area university and an avid cricket player. In fact, according to British newspapers, cricket is the only thing friends thought he was fanatical about. An uncle, Bashir Ahmed, said, "If he was ever reading a newspaper, it would be the sports."

Tanweer did visit Pakistan in December, but his uncle told reporters that he returned seven months earlier than expected, disappointed at a perceived lack of respect for Britons.

Mohammed Sidique Khan, 30, is suspected in the Edgware Road bombing, where documents and "forensic evidence," meaning body parts, were found. Khan, who grew up in the Leeds area, was married and had an 8-month-old baby. His house was raided, as was that of his mother-in-law. He met his wife while he was a student at an area university, though whether he received a degree is unclear.

News reports here describe him as quiet, "a ghost" in the neighborhood. Friends said he had been in Pakistan before, but while they said he was devout - he was known never to look at women in the street - he was not considered political or radical.

Several U.S. officials identified the fourth suspected bomber as a Jamaica-born British resident named Lindsey Germaine, the New York Times reported in today's editions. The three other suspected bombers were of Pakistani descent.

Dick Leurdijk, a security expert with the Dutch research center Clingendael Institute, said the fact that bombers were committed enough to carry out attacks and yet police had had no profiles on the suspects was a bad sign.

"It really makes it clear that the jihad is now here and it's intense," he said.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Associated Press Big Fat Politically Correct Scairdy Cats!!!

Apparently the AP has glommed on to the politically correct nomenclature of the BBC. Rather than call Terrorists what they are, Terrorists, and Homicide Bombers, they are just Suicide Bombers. Next week, they'll be misunderstood, but friendly Arab guys with "issues".

London Identifies Four Suicide Bombers By BETH GARDINER, Associated Press Writer

LONDON - Police believe they have identified all four suicide bombers who carried out the deadly attacks on London subway trains and a bus last week, the city's police chief said Thursday.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair told the Foreign Press Association that police believe "that we know who the four people carrying the bombs were ... and we believe they are all dead."

"We are as certain as we can be that four people were killed and they were the four people carrying bombs," Blair said.

What is wrong with expressing the righteous indignation we should properly feel at having people enter a public transportation system and indiscriminately take the lives of innocent people? I believe that the British press is frightened that if they call terror what it is, they themselves may be the next target. And of course, if folks "across the pond" jump out the window, we here in the US, must follow. When will we all stand up for ourselves? Where are the likes of Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams when we need them?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Damn Hornets!

You know, I just keep hearing the tired old adage from people, that if we keep swatting at the hornets nest (the middle east), we'll stir it up. This was pointed out to me on my vacation this past week by a friend of mine with regard to the murders in Great Britain.

I think about when I have hornets in my yard. I don't ignore them; I go out and get wasp and hornet spray and kill them. I don't wait for them to sting me when I or my kids are outside playing unaware. I strike them preemptively. That's what we need to do here.

Clearly the hornets are not going to leave us alone. They must be eradicated before they do more damage. They must not take over the whole yard.